European eDelivery was created through the “eDeliveryLT” project funded by the European Commission. More about the project below:
Problem. By 2017, Lithuania was one of the few EU members states in 2017 without an access to the EU platform for basic services in the EU’s single digital services infrastructure, thus being an exclusion of cross-border digital services.
Meanwhile, Lithuanian business with the institutions, economic entities and citizens of the EU is changing daily in large volumes of documents, but practically does not have the ability to send and receive these electronic documents in an interactive, secure, reliable and legally recognized way. Such a cross-border exchange of electronic documents is facilitated by the electronic delivery of digital services block (building blocks).
Opportunities. The EU encourages the EU Member States to engage in the development and use of cross-border digital services, providing Member States with access to EU trans-European networks and providing financial support for the development of such services through projects of common interest. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the main instrument for providing EU financial support for trans-European networks and building blocks for building digital services hereinafter “digital service blocks”), such as electronic delivery eDelivery, eInvoicing, eID, eSignature, eHealth, eTranslation.
The Project. Seeking to set up eDelivery in Lithuania the European Commission has provided financial support from the CEF for the implementation of the project eDeliveryLT (Project No 2016-LT-IA-0080, Contract No. INEA / CEF / ICT / A2016 / 1284783).
The project value is 248.810 Eur, the partners’ own contribution to the project is 62.202,5 Eur.
Duration of the project – 2 years: starting on 2017-04-01, the expected end of project is 2019-04-01, the beginning of the electronic delivery service is scheduled to be 09/01/2018.
Partners. The project eDeliveryLT is being implemented by Infobalt (Coordinator) together with partners – UAB Sistemų integracijos sprendimai, UAB Skaitos kompiuterių servisas and Public institution eDeliveryLT. The latter is responsible for the further support and development of electronic delivery.
The goal of the project is to create an Access Point with Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) for cross-border exchange of electronic documents and to test the operation of this access point for one year. This will enable the Lithuanian business entities to exchange electronic documents both at the same time and at EU level.
For eDelivery, eDelivery LT intends to use the B2A (Business Institutions) script, approved by the PEPPOL organization and compatible with the B2B (business-to-business) script. Compliance with the requirements for electronic identification and electronic transactions ensures legal certainty and reliability in cross-border transmission of electronic documents, while the interface with the Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) ensures secure and convenient document transac- tions.
The money Electronic delivery will enable interoperability at EU level and among EU Member States, regardless of which standards are used in each EU country.
In addition, by creating electronic delivery in Lithuania, as one of the countries of the EU Common Market and the Schengen area, it can be expanded beyond the EU, in particular in the EU Eastern Partnership countries, from where large flows of transport, goods and services come.
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